The committed Sunday school teachers had a vision to build a school to facilitate all our growing numbers of children and came up with the idea of the ‘Solomon project’
We initiated several fund raising programs and encouraged our children to start small projects to raise funds
Within a short period of time God opened the gates of heaven and we started construction work. We completed the building project in the year 2005.
In this package you get exclusive access to replays of the Book to Course Summit workshops held in Spring 2016. Here authors, bloggers, and CEOs from around the world show you how to accelerate your business with online courses. They’ll walk you through how to establish and strengthen online presence, satisfy your current audience while gaining broader outreach, and let you in on the proven effective tips to lay the proper foundation for your online course launch.Originally airing as 8 days of workshops and panels, world-class entrepreneurs, New York Times bestselling authors, CEOs and influencers came together to curate behind the scenes access and insights into how they run their businesses and how you can build your own with an online course.
Thousands caught the workshops live and came to us with requests for replays of this invaluable compilation of expert experience. The overwhelming requests convinced us to make the replays available to you now.
We’re pleased to bring you The Book to Course Summit Replays.
The pastors dedicated the new premises and handed over to use for Sunday school activities. The church leadership observed that we were not making use of the premises to the full capacity and a committee formed in February 2006 under the chairmanship of Deacon Dr.A.J. Cowper. The team came up with the idea of starting a primary school to expand our outreach ministry in the line with the church vision to equip the new leaders.
In November 2008 during the leadership conference at Jumuia center, it was decided that the school project to proceed on 17th January 2009. the team spear headed the opening of the school by January 2010. On 4th January 2010 with only 9 students and five teachers, Parklands Baptist School was officially opened.
PBS Welcomes children from all backgrounds, communities, religion and tribes with the great commission to expand the kingdom of God as he commanded us to do.

PBS was officially registered by the ministry of education in December 2016 so that the first batch of 20 students can be registered for KCPE examination in 2017.
Our faith journey from 2009 is not even halfway as we anticipate great vision to establish a ‘Parkie University’ for our hope and expectations are anchored in our motto; ‘Arise and Shine’ for the glory of the lord has risen upon us. ( Isaiah 60:1)
Our goal is anchored in proverbs 22:6, train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Through intertwining of the 8.4.4 & CBC curriculum with the Christian Education care program, the Teachers have been able to achieve the objective of imparting holistic knowledge to the pupils. This has helped PBS develop a unique culture that will run throughout generations.
Since our inception in January 2010, the above has been our objective; to make sure each child grows with positive values-to have spiritually upright children and in the future responsible Christian adults who are dependable in the society.